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5 Great Ways To Plan A Conference Event

Event Company Singapore: Planning and organising a conference can be quite stressful and taxing, even for the most experienced event company Singapore. It is a huge responsibility, and for many event planners they might feel like Atlas with the entire weight of the world seemingly on their shoulders dealing with the sheer logistical nightmare to follow. However, you don't have to shoulder the burden all by your lonesome: here are just 5 ways to plan a conference event without collapsing under the sheer pressure:

1. Determine the conference theme and number of speakers involved

Settling on a certain theme to get appropriate speakers to cater to the right demographic is key, so using a theme that is simple, punchy and on topic along with a mission statement that will help your event company Singapore stay on track to cater to your target demographic determines the conference's success rate.Choosing speakers for the conference is just as equally important, as they could make or break the event's success in a heartbeat.Thus, you could plan to speak via Skype or email, or meet up over lunch to discuss the itinerary and determine their salary as well, be it sharing the revenue or paying a fixed yet affordable fee for their appearance.

2. Choose a venue that is comfortable and affordable

This is one aspect that proves quite challenging to any event company Singapore: choosing a good venue that is able to host the number of attendees and allow them to feel comfortable throughout the duration of the conference and still not put a serious dent on your wallet, so to speak. Ensure the seating is comfy enough, the type of lighting for both attendee and speaker, is there enough food and drink available at the catering table, etc. In the end, using your best judgment to determine what's best and still affordable enough is key to a successful conference.

3. Have a good business partner

It can be a physically and mentally exhausting task for planners from an event company Singapore to plan an entire conference alone. This is why finding a good business partner who can be reliable, be able to pick up the slack after you when you fall behind, and be supportive of your ideas whilst curbing your enthusiasm when you go overboard. More importantly, your business partner is someone you can trust always and that is what also helps determine the success of your event.

4. Have a wide social network to boost your event

Any event company Singapore worth their salt can identify with this aspect: being able to network well helps gear your events toward unmitigated success in the long run.This same unwritten rule applies here with conferences as well: make sure to have a ton of contacts within the industry whom you can network with (or make new friends and forge a strong ironclad bond with them), ask them for help be it promoting your event on social media (e.g. Twitter and Facebook), getting in touch with sponsors or merely asking for advice on running a conference.

5. Constructive feedback is good feedback

As many an event company Singapore would tell you, having constructive feedback goes a long way in helping you identify areas of improvement and highlight areas of great success. Ensure you supplement your feedback forms/surveys with a little reward that will incentivise attendees to provide feedback that will help you out in the long run. After all, any feedback is good feedback so long as it's constructive and beneficial towards future events.

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at


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