5 More Event Business Card Alternatives

Event Company Singapore: As we've covered before in our earlier article (you can read all about there here), business cards are an effective networking tool for many an event company Singapore to get themselves out there on the market, and a creative card at that helps stand out from the crowd especially if one were to get really creative in order to get noticed. So if you want to leave your prospective clients in awe of your insurmountable talent, here are 5 more cool ideas to help embellish your business card:
1. Cheese grater for a business card? No problem!

Talk about practicality, am I right? Nothing quite gets your clients' attention quite like having a business card that doubles as a functional cheese grater! Hopefully your event company Singapore doesn't find the idea grating. top event company singapore
2. Stretch your networking muscles

How about stretching your creativity with a little business card that's malleable? Having a card this stretchy and bendy could convey your potential clients just how tough and adaptable your event company Singapore is under pressure, metaphorically speaking!
3. Getting all geared up

This one's pretty ostentatious with a cool industrial design, which could convey just how well-oiled of a machine your event company Singapore is and how it's always in top gear each and every time without fail. #1 event company singapore
4. Catapulting you to instant success

Ever heard of a business card that also doubles as a catapult? Neither have we, but it's a real thing and it's a true marvel to behold! It would absolutely help catapult your event company Singapore to meteoric heights with your clients (pardon the pun).
5. The future is now

Now we're not being overly dramatic, but can you imagine a future where business cards made out of quality paper are a thing of the past? The day may be coming sooner than you think with these LED business cards that will set your event company Singapore apart from the competition with their innovative design and state-of-the-art futuristic design. The future truly is now!

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at enquiry@se7enfriday.com OR browse our website at www.se7enfriday.com.
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you!
H/T: Aplus