5 Tips for Great Lighting at Your Next Event

Event Company Singapore: Do you wish to make your event overwhelmingly impressive? Great lighting is what you need. The lighting will keep the attention of your guests to the main event area and highlight the event’s décor and venue.
Moreover, perfect event lighting will exceed your guests’ expectations and sweep them off their feet.
However, event lighting may not be as easy as it sounds. Getting your lighting all wrong will create befuddlement among your guests. So, what does it take to create the right ambiance and build a visual experience your guests will love?
Read on for some event lighting tips and learn how to create an aesthetic blend of the perfect lighting for your event.
1. Ask the necessary questions.

Ask as many questions as you need to. It doesn’t matter whether it is an event company Singapore event you have been hired for or your event. Some of the questions include:
What type of event is it?
Is the event being hosted at a hotel ballroom, tent, convention center, or church?
How many guests are expected to attend?
Is there a provision for food?
Will there be displays or centerpieces?
Does the venue have any permanent light fixtures?
What is the event color theme?
Will there be speakers, dancing, or other forms of technology?
Is there a budget you want to stick to?
Are there any municipal regulations?
Is there table service, or is food going to be served buffet-style?
Will there be displays or centerpieces?
What are the ceiling heights and room dimensions?
What are the timelines for the event?
Are there any insurance requirements for the venue?
Are there other vendors who will be setting up?
Critically think about what you need to make your lighting detail a success.
2. Create a plan for the project.

So you now have all the facts you require for the event; you need to get organized. Develop a project plan and quotation.
Most importantly, come up with an accurate budget. Reach out to event specialists that can help quote and put the event together. Include a floor plan for the event company Singapore event, the event timelines, and a list of all the equipment you will need.
Ensure you understand where all the event action will happen and its atmosphere for the appropriate lighting plan design.
3. Highlight Areas with High Traffic.

Guests will want to navigate their areas of interest at the event company Singapore event without much of a hassle. They will want to see the food at the buffet and the bar area while highlighting their tables.
Make use of pin spots to artfully light buffets, centerpieces, bars, and floral arrangements. Be careful not to cause glare to the guests’ eyes.
4. Use LED Lights.

LED lights are offer thousands of custom color options, are more efficient, and many fixtures we offer are even wireless, eliminating messy cables running around your venue.
You can use amber, blush, white, and light blues in your LED lighting to achieve more flexibility and your desired colors for your event company Singapore event vibe.
5. Use Colored and Special Effects Lights.

Speaking of color, create a significant lighting experience for your audience using colored lights.
Wash the room using the right color to create comfort for your guests and give the room a warm glow.
You can also use colored lighting on the ceiling and walls. However, to prevent a circus aesthetic, use colored lights when necessary.
Dynamic videos or Gobos are some special lighting effects you can take advantage of. Dynamic videos adjust the angle, video display colors, width, brightness, and focus in real-time.
Gobos project a patterned design into the event space or incorporate event lighting, especially when projecting the corporate logo.
H/T: Centric
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