7 Great Tips for Your Next Corporate Dinner and Dance Event

Event Company Singapore: Dinner and dance events are fun, relaxed events for employees to interact with each other and have a good time away from their workplace. As an event organizer, how do you ensure that your Dinner and Dance Party is a super-hit among your employees? How to ensure that employees enjoy themselves and do not feel the need to leave the party early?
Presenting 7 exciting ideas for Dinner and Dance events that will wow your employees / guests.
1. Decide on an Exciting Venue

If you’re spending money wowing guests with dinner and dancing, you may as well find a venue that will impress your guests at your event company Singapore event as well. Sometimes this choice alone will make or break your event, as the atmosphere and ambience plays a big role in the success of your event.
2. Organise the Guest List

No event company Singapore event is going to run smoothly without one of these. Have names in alphabetical order; this sounds like a bore but believe me, when you’ve got a group of 20 arriving at once, you need to be able to tick them off quickly so they can get in and grab a drink.
3. Have Plenty of Table Plans

Have plenty of table plans available for viewing. People never look at them at the event company Singapore events and then get confused when suddenly confronted by tables. Make sure that the plans are large with names written clearly – this is not the time to use that calligraphy font! If you have a theme, funky table names are great. Also, put the names in alphabetical order on the table plan and do NOT use name cards. People ignore them most of the time anyway.
4. Who Is Sitting With Who?

Are you mixing it up and putting people together who don’t know each other? Or are you putting departments or friendship groups together? This can have a big impact on the atmosphere of the event company Singapore event party and is worth taking the time to think through.
5. Excellent Entertainment

Make sure that you start the dancing with a live band or particular act. This encourages people to get straight on the dance floor and you will avoid that awkward half an hour where no one wants to be the first and dance on their own at your event company Singapore event. Hiring magicians, balloon artists, photo-taking booths are great ways to spruce up the entertainment.
6. Theming

It’s always a good way to break the ice but if you’re going to do it, do it properly. Fancy dress creates memorable photographs and hilarious talking points but remember to dress the venue of your event company Singapore event as well. It’s no point having a 1920’s theme but drinking from modern style glassware and sitting on a contemporary 70’s seat. Think of trending movies or shows such as the recent boom in superhero movies and tv shows.
7. Think of the End of the Party

If your event company Singapore event finishes after the last train / bus, what is the plan? Are people staying in hotels? Can you get them a discount if you talk to a local hotel? Or if people are getting taxis somewhere, can people car-share? Having these plans in place will also make you look like a super thoughtful boss.
H/T: Merlinvenues
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