Best Ways To Celebrate 21st Birthdays In Singapore

Event Company Singapore: Want to celebrate your 21st birthday in style, but have no idea where to go or how to celebrate it in Singapore? Never fear! We have some great places for you to sink your teeth into when thinking of great ways to celebrate your 21st birthday so let's go:
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Play a game of laser tag paintball

Contrary to popular belief, paintball without the pain is possible! Laser tag brings all the best of paintball, sans the pain and drying paint on your clothes. The adrenaline rush as you hunt your friends down one by one is second to none, and Adrenaline Laser Tag brings the game wherever you want it to, outdoors and indoors, and would be the perfect surprise for an adrenaline junkie.
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Get yourself a bouncy castle

Nobody is ever too old for this, and it takes the first brave soul to take that uncertain step into the great castle of joy before you set up the barricades. While it's pretty apparent that the exhilaration of bouncing is not something that will ever be scientifically explained, everyone who has been in one will testify that it's an experience like no other.
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Host a little 'staycation'

An activity that's been steadily gaining popularity, staycations at boutique hotels are cheap alternatives to escape from reality, as well as being versatile with myriad possible themes. If you're looking to spend, check out hotels like W Hotel at Sentosa Cove, which have a massive swimming pool that's open 24/7. Staycation parties cater to all sorts of people, and most hotels aren't fussy about the number of guests per room, as long as volume is kept down.
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Go on a roadtrip with your pals

If it's the company that matters, there is no better way to celebrate your birthday than with the best friends you could ever meet in your lifetime. You can go roadtripping to as near or as far a destination you want. Alternatively, for shorter roadtrips, you can travel within Singapore checking out all the secluded yet amazing cafes and throw a surprise party with birthday cake and all along the way. If you're feeling more adventurous, you can even take a roadtrip to Malaysia.
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H/T: The Smart Local
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