Creating A Successful Facebook Event

Event Company Singapore: No fewer than 1.59 billion people use Facebook every day, which means 500 million people use Facebook Events each month! However, with over millions of public Facebook events created in a single year alone, how can you make your event stand out? Well, we have the tips and tricks to help your event stand out from the rest! Here is how to create a successful event on Facebook:
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Upload a nicely sized photo that looks great

Your event cover photo will appear in different formats across Facebook, both mobile and desktop. A 16:9 ratio will look good at any size, without causing your photo to appear cut off or incomplete and it’s also important to choose an image with little or no text so it’s easy to understand at a glance. If you choose to set up ads using your event photo, ads with more than 20% text won’t be approved, so it’s good to think ahead now.
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Choosing a good name for your event

Your target audience should be able to understand what your event is about, but long names often get cut off on mobile experiences .Don’t duplicate information about the location or time in the event name, include them in your event posting instead. Also, events with long names usually receive fewer responses and names written in all capital letters or with lots of glyphs are often hard to read and feel less legitimate, thus leading to lower engagement.
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Be specific about your event's details

Selecting an accurate location, date and time, category, and tags allows Facebook to recommend your event to people who live nearby and have similar interests, and using a location that corresponds with a Facebook page or Facebook-suggested location improves these recommendations. However, keep in mind that you can’t create an event that’s longer than two weeks and if you’re organising a recurring event, we recommend creating separate Facebook events that each have their own time and place for more discovery opportunities.
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A compelling event description

By using hashtags and mentions in the event description, this enables people to participate in the conversation, or learn more by clicking on the pages of any performers or partners. Also, you want to be sure your event description is well-formatted and easy to understand with the important details up front, such as telling people why they should go, the line-up or schedule, any age requirements, when tickets go on sale, how to find the venue, and any other FAQs (frequently answered questions).
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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Eventbrite
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