Different Cakes For Different Occasions

Event Company Singapore: Selecting the right kind of cake for the right occasion can be quite the daunting task, as there are many choices available and the taste buds also differ among people. To come to consensus can be hard, but it's not impossible by narrowing down some of the best type of cakes suitable for the occasion. Here are a few ideas as to what kinds of cakes are best for different ocassions: leading event company singapore
1. Cupcakes

Cupcakes come in a variety of flavours to choose from, the trendiest one tbeing red velvet cupcakes, and are customised into tiny shapes and sizes and are available with personalised messages.. They are a hit during bridal showers, baby showers, and other light hearted events. #1 event company in singapore
2. Ice-cream cakes

Ice cream cakes can be made from different flavours of ice cream and taste very delicious. Best occasions for a good old ice cream cake would be a quick gathering or celebration such as a birthday party, farewell celebration, etc. Top Event Company Singapore
3. Chocolate cake

A quintessential classic, chocolate cakes are the safest option as you can never go wrong with it. They are a hit among kids and adults alike, and they are proven to be the perfect flavour for birthday parties across all ages as love for chocolate never gets old. leading event company singapore Event Company Singapore
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4. Homemade cakes

These cakes are made with ingredients not available elsewhere; the secret ingredients in homemade cakes include love, care, and a dash of affection. It provides a personal comfort while presenting a home-made cake as a gift or even as the center of any celebration.
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