Fixing Your Event When It Can't Sell 101

Event Company Singapore: So, you’ve carefully planned an event and made your big ticketing launch. But your event's not selling as many tickets as projected, and it's not getting any traction. So what can you as an event planner do? To help you identify where to invest your time, follow these three ways to fix an event that won’t sell.:
Research your audience interests and motivations

Often when an event flops it’s because organisers have failed to consider what is really motivating people to attend so make sure you know what matters to your attendees, and deliver on that experience. To ensure your event stands out, you need to show why your event is unique and to do so, conduct feedback surveys so you can ask attendees what they want. Also, you can 'hybridise' or create unique events that blend two or more different elements partnering up with another brand to create something new, and identify the line items that drive value for your attendees.
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Create a website for mobile platforms

To sell more tickets, it’s vital that you don’t make potential buyers pinch and zoom to read about your event or buy a ticket and mobile pages should be designed differently to meet the needs of an on-the-go buyer. Furthermore, sites that are mobile optimised see a 160% lift in conversion rates, meaning 160% more potential attendees may buy tickets, simply because you made sure your event page and ticket purchase process are designed for screens of any size. Hence, do an assessment by opening your event website or ticketing page on your own mobile device. Next, Take the Google Mobile-Friendly test by entering your URL and viewing how it appears on mobile to see if it's recommended on mobile search, and choose a ticketing partner that is mobile-optimised for great effect.
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Simplify the checkout process

When someone is interested in attending your event, you want to make the transaction as simple as possible and a complicated checkout process can cause frustration and even drive away potential customers. So to remedy that, implement a simple checkout solution that be it on mobile or desktop, uses a solution that is three or four steps to check out. Also, secure your checkout by choosing a ticketing partner that is trusted, so your attendees feel confident about the purchases their making.
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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Eventbrite
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