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Maintaining Your Work-Life Balance, Part 2

Event Company Singapore: We last talked about achieving a proper work-life balance without undoing the successes at your event company Singapore or any other place of work. So here are some tips that will help identify certain problems and hopefully help you achieve the impossible :

Constant triage

To be in constant triage means to live in a reactive state stemming from a lack of time to think about what you really want and need in work at your event company Singapore and your personal life. To remedy this issue, try integrating focused work-life thinking and planning time into your day on a daily basis. By using this approach, you begin to adjust your schedule accordingly and relieve the stress derived from the fight-or-flight response dealing with constant triage.

Chasing time

This term merely refers to focusing on what happens next rather than focusing on the here and now, living in the moment and appreciating what you have. Therefore, don't worry about the future of what to expect at work at your event company Singapore or your own private lives with your personal relationships and such. Commit to living in the moment, and use prompts during small events in your life to keep you from jumping into the "what's next" train of thought.

Late nights getting things done

The process of using late nights to get stuff done refer to getting work done, be it at your event company Singapore or otherwise, despite the immense fatigue and exhaustion after working long hard days. The truth is, you need ample rest and trying to cut corners by working late nights to compensate for getting ahead wears on you as a whole. Therefore, commit to getting up in the morning and implement formal "cut-off" times the night before to make sure that you can get up early. You end up feeling refreshed and more energetic to work and balance your personal life as well.

Forgetting about yourself

By forgetting about yourself, you tend to ostracise yourself by making yourself the odd one out in your job at your event company Singapore and your personal life. So as life gets complicated, it becomes harder to focus on yourself and you prioritise everyone and everything else above your needs. Therefore, you can implement a daily restorative activity to keep you in the here and now; for example, playing a musical instrument such as a guitar or piano can help keep you grounded.

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at

With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you

H/T: Inc.

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