More Great Networking Games For Events

Event Company Singapore: Need more ideas for games to bring guests together? Not sure what kind of games make for great networking and facilitation of bringing participants closer together? Here are some more of the best networking games to choose from, back by popular demand:
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For this game, present each of your guests with a cake as they arrive and tell them that they should find something important inside. Everyone gets a note with three words, is asked to create a short story using these words, and share it with the others. The best story-bakers get a prize and, of course, the great networking.event company Singapore

There will be people who will complain a lot and say they can’t draw, therefore you have to prepare well for this networking game. Provide guests with tablets on which they have to draw the surroundings by depicting a person or an object they see at the venue. The picture doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but it has to be understandable. Once all the snaps are ready, everyone should review each others drawings and find familiar faces or objects, and the winner is the one who collects the biggest number of correct tablet answers.
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Question Match

Guest who have the potential of becoming great partners would usually have similar opinions about the same things. In this game, provide all event guests with a list of 10 questions and ask them to underline three questions they would prefer to answer. Then, encourage them to spread out around the venue looking at each others lists and spotting like-minders.
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Dance Battle

What about cutting a rug and letting loose on the proverbial dance-floor for a change? Dancing can loosen up everyone, so host a little dance battle at your event for guests to get their groove on. Invite a few instructors that can teach different dance steps for groups (e.g. line dancing, hip-hop) or encourage people to change partners once a new style is introduced.
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H/T: Gevme
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