According To Plan: Public Event Tips & Tricks

Event Company Singapore: Hosting an event in public can make even the most experienced event planners tremble in fear, and in an uncontrolled environment the number of things that can go wrong can increase considerably.Therefore, allow us to assuage your fears with these tips and hints to make sure your event goes according to plan:
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Permissions and public safety

In public spaces you may need permits or a licence to host an event, so work with relevant authorities and services as this will vary depending on the company you are operating in and according to the state/area/region the event is taking place. Lead times for public events can be long so check on any extra paperwork you need to complete and the deadlines for it.
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Communication is important

Think about communication between staff on site, thus event radios are likely to be the best method of communication for any public event. Also, ensure all radio holders are fully trained in operating the devices; sign radios in and out so you keep track and charge radios up fully before the event and every evening. Provide headsets for staff that want them, particularly those working in noisy or quiet areas. For larger events, have an event control room and keep a log of all radio activity.
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Manage your event attendance

Monitoring numbers and safety on site is key to ensuring your event goes off without a hitch. If it is a ticketed event with a clear event perimeter, you have control over the flow and number of people on site. Likewise, if overcrowding is likely to be a concern this needs to be addressed within the event risk assessment. Even if it is a free event, consider making it a requirement to register for a ticket to control numbers. Use clever programming to control audience movement and avoid one element becoming too overcrowded and have systems in place to manage a “one out, one in” process if any areas get too busy.
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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Event Manager Blog
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