Questions To Ask On Your Event Survey

Event Company Singapore: Event surveys are essential to engaging your target audiences and understanding their needs and wants in a more effective manner. With event surveys, your event planner can better understand the requirements of your target demographic to improve their product and put on better events in future. Therefore, asking the right questions provides the best results possible. Here are a few questions to ask on your event survey for better engagement with your audiences:
1. What to ask your audience before the event

As every good event company would know, it's imperative to glean your audience's thoughts and feelings before the event. This means that by providing personalised pre-event surveys for your guests as well as sponsors and partners among others, you optimise your marketing strategy to the fullest. Some questions to ask in the surveys as provided by your event company Singapore would include the following: event company singapore
- What was your motivation/reason(s) behind attending our event?
- Is the location of the event easily accessible for you?
- How did you come to know of our event?
- How would you interpret the theme of our event?
These questions are merely textbook examples, so you can refine them to your benefit in the surveys as appropriate.
2. Questions to ask during the event in your mid-event survey

As the event is ongoing, your event management company might feel it necessary to obtain the opinions and reactions of guests on their level of satisfaction with the proceedings as a whole. Therefore, having a mid-event survey prepared would be beneficial to finding out what they like and/or dislike about your event thus far. Some questions that you might wish to add in your survey would include the following: top event company in singapore
- What is your overall opinion of the event thus far? (on a scale of 1 to 10)
- Are you satisfied with the way the event has been run?
- How are the accommodations thus far? (food, drink, audiovisuals, lighting, etc.)
Feel free to add in more questions according to what your event planner might deem relevant to the event itself.
3. Reinforce your call to action after the event

After the event has concluded, connect with your guests via a post-event survey to glean their overall thoughts and opinions on the event while the experience is still fresh in their minds. The post-event surveys serve to reinforce your call-to-action by reminding guests about a product or brand and asking them to act upon it. Furthermore, you can incentivize your surveys with special rewards such as promo codes for select products and brands, VIP invitations to upcoming events hosted by your event company Singapore, and so on and so forth. Questions in your post-event survey would include the following: #1 event company singapore
- To what extent did the event meet your overall expectations?
- Were you satisfied with the special guests/performances/guest speakers/etc?
- From 1 to 10, how would you rate the venue arrangements? (e.g. seating, audiovisuals, lighting)
- How would you rate the staff in terms of friendliness and helpfulness?
- Would you recommend upcoming events hosted by our event company Singapore to your friends?
You can add in more questions if you like, but remember to keep them brief and concise in order to generate the best possible amount of feedback for your event company Singapore as much as possible. best event company singapore

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you!
H/T: Gevme