Ice-Breakers For Team Building Events

Event Company Singapore: If you want to build an effective team or bring your attendees together through an activity, ice breaker games for corporate events are a great way to do that. Here are a few ice breaker activities to bring your group and teams together via effective ice breakers for team building events:
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Link building

This activity requires one person in the group to stand with their hands on their hips and make a statement that is true about their lives. If anyone in the group also shares that fact, they must all connect/link arms with the person. The person who joins and ends up at the end of the arm chain then says a fact about themselves and more people link until everyone in the room is linked up.
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Select a cause and an activity that will take 1-2 hours and use that as your ice breaker. When your team is working together toward a common plan, they’ll get to know one another. If this is a corporate event, select people to be team leaders who are not usually in a leadership position.
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Hole tarp activities

Put several people around a tarpaulin with a few holes slightly larger than a golf ball cut into it. They should each have both hands grasping the tarp. Label one corner of the tarp Point A and the farthest corner from it Point B. In between draw a curving line that comes very close to the holes. Give them a golf ball and ask them to place it at Point A. By raising and dropping the tarp, they must work together to get the ball to follow the curving path without dropping into any of the holes. The first group who does it successfully wins.
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Jigsaw puzzle

Gather jigsaw puzzles of different sizes and difficulty roughly equating to the number of participants attending the event. Each attendee randomly gets a puzzle piece upon check-in, and any extra pieces can be left on the tables as starter pieces. Everyone must then work together to assemble the puzzle by meeting others and seeing who has which pieces and completing the puzzle in the fastest time. .
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H/T: Event Manager Blog
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