The 5 W's In Event Planning

Event Company Singapore: Planning an event is always a meticulous and arduous task, and more often than not, one must be able to meet the criteria of their clientele. However, in order to understand your client's needs and wants it's important to address the five W's before planning an event. Here are the five W's and how to address them during the planning process:
1. Why are you hosting the event?

This is the main overarching goal of the planning process, and it helps understand why the client has entrusted such a responsibility to your event company Singapore in the first place. By addressing this first W, you can envision what the event would be like with the client's goals in mind and that it'd be tailored toward the same end purpose as well.
2. Who are your target audience?

Who are your attendees going to be, and what would they be interested in? This question helps you understand who your target audience is going to be and what they might want from your event company Singapore; this in turn allows you to have certain marketing personas and ideas in mind during the planning process which may help loads and make the process seem more tangible. top event company singapore
3. What is the theme of the event going to be?

This is the first thing you might keep in mind from the get go: what will be the underlying theme of the event and what will it cover, also what messages do you hope to convey to your attendees? Deciding the theme of the event will be determined who your target audience is going to be. #1 event company singapore
4. Where will the event be hosted and/or held?

Deciding where your event is going to be held comes after firmly establishing its overarching theme and who it's going to appeal to most. Factors to consider include the size of the venue and would it be sizeable enough for your desired audience, would it be able to meet the requirements for the AV setup, is there enough parking space for guests, etc. This will determine whether your event company Singapore has the idea of the right location in mind.
5. When do you want to host the event?

Once your event company Singapore has decided on the venue for the event, this is the next question you need to ask and it's further informed by the choice and availability of the venue for your event. Things to take into consideration include conflicts with any national holidays during the same period or are there any other major events taking place within the vicinity of your event. Dealing with these issues would help to decide on a date and time that would not conflict with any other events at that point in time.

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you!
H/T: Localist