Promoting Your Event Offline In A Nutshell

Event Company Singapore: With the advent of social media and the prevalence of the Internet in our daily lives, many an event company Singapore are inclined to rely on these tools to promote their events. But sometimes, using old-fashioned archaic methods can sometimes be advantageous if used correctly. Here are som ways you can promote your event offline:
1. Direct mail

This method works best if you're promoting your event to a specific target demographic, especially with a sharp decrease in competition due to the overt reliance on e-mail these days. Not only does direct mail draw the attention of prospective attendees more intimately, it also has the added effect of being more tangible and organic. Try personalising direct mail such as postcards by adding the recipient's name with an added message addressed to them by your event company Singapore thanking them for supporting your event.
2. Up close and personal networking

It's relatively easy to meet new people on social media, but the quality of the connections vary between individuals. However, the formation of such bonds online aren't as durable as those formed offline, where you meet with people face to face. So, with the blessing of your event company Singapore, attend events similar to yours and be as personable and charming as you can with the attendees to draw attention to your own event. The more irresistible you are, the more likely you are to get more attendees to come.
3. Speaking opportunities

You can attend seminars and talks as a guest speaker on behalf of your event company Singapore. How does this relate to promoting your event? By speaking at such events especially those related to your line of work, it helps you reach your target audience en masse in a personal way and also sets you up as a thought leader, which builds trust in your personal brand, thus helping you to sell more tickets. Make sure to ask for permission from the event organisers before personally promoting your event.
4. Printed publications

While your event company Singapore would most likely defer to online ads and social networking which are foolproof methods of promoting an event, sometimes going back to basics pays dividends as well. You can place the same ads in local newspapers or industry-related magazines, all for a small fee. Not only do you reach out to a niche demographic most likely to be intrigued enough in your event, it also helps that if the printed publication you placed your ads in have a sizeable readership base, this could help attract more possible attendees to your your event.

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: EventBrite