The People You Meet At Corporate Events (Part 2)

Event Company Singapore: You as an event company Singapore professional are guaranteed to meet all sorts of people in the world of event planning, especially at any corporate events. We've covered a few types of attendees at corporate events, so now let's take a look at some of the people you're likely to meet at any of these corporate events:
The Teacher

The teacher is about to hit you with some knowledge, even your event company Singapore staff are not safe! All kidding aside, this person is the one you send to the conference to return with the best takeaways. The teacher takes a lot pf excellent notes which they then relay back to the event company Singapore team. If you have a company wiki, they will likely create a page on there with the lessons and best practices from the conference, or even give a presentation upon return.
The Salesperson

There are many people who attend conferences with one goal: Sell their products or services to anyone, even your event company Singapore staff at the venue. The salesperson is usually only interested in selling their company’s core products and services, and not in things like building strategic partnerships. This interaction could happen during the conference, or sometime after it ends, when a prospect has had time to consider a deal.
The Job Seeker

Job seekers tend to have a few different goals when attending a conference event, even if it means asking the event company Singapore staff for any recommendations. When a job seeker is in the awareness stage, for example, they might attend an event to listen and learn about the various companies, opportunities, and people they’d like to work with, otherwise they may have already made connections with people ahead of time via LinkedIn or Twitter. In that case, the job seeker is likely looking for opportunities to give these folks an elevator pitch in person, along with a resume or portfolio.
The Party Person

The party people are those few who take advantage of every social aspect, entertainment portion, and free drink available much to the consternation of many event goers, including members of your event company Singapore staff. We all have a little bit of a party person in us, and many of us find that it helps us to break the ice during otherwise awkward or uncomfortable silences. So, what does the party person do instead? Try to have a good time, as if they are at a TGIF Fridays event with food and drink galore!

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H/T: Hubspot
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