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How To Make Your Event More Sustainable

Virtual Event Company - Amid the current COVID-19 pandemic, many virtual event company organizers have had to resort to putting their events up on the online sphere to keep their cashflow going. But more so than financial reasons, online events have helped cut down tremendously on the amount of waste that would be normally generated by a physical event pre-pandemic. However, there are many ways to make your event more environment-friendly, so let's look at some ways to make your event more sustainable:

Make use of virtual/hybrid events more often

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Virtual events have been utilized by many a virtual event company in the wake of the pandemic to much success, and hybrid events (a mixture of a live event and a virtual event) were gradually introduced amid the more lax restrictions. More importantly, hybrid/live events are more popular due to the fact that they're region-based and there is no need for attendees to worry about transportation costs, which can be rather exorbitant, so long as they can attend these events on an online platform.

Picking locations that rely on clean energy

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Locations can play a vital part in how events are planned, especially if virtual event company organizers are looking to make their events more sustainable. For starters, look for destinations and areas that generate a low-carbon footprint and that can make a lot of difference if you pick out destinations that rely on clean energy rather than places that still utilize fossil fuels and other forms of energy that leave a sizeable carbon footprint as a result.

Choosing venues that are sustainable

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Once you've picked out your destination of choice, it's time for your virtual event company to look at venues that have substantial sustainability credentials. For instance, look at how your prospective venue adheres to certain sustainability and eco-friendly standards and protocols before deciding on it as the site of your event. You can also ascertain if these venues aspire to be net-zero sites that rely on alternative energy sources of power.

Plant-based food choices

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Now before you turn your nose up at this idea, it's always a good idea to introduce a diverse range of dietary options for your attendees ranging from halal to vegetarian, and introducing your potential guests to plant-based food is always a feasible way to promote sustainability. You can coordinate with your virtual event company organizer to look at caterers who adopt an ethical and eco-friendly approach to sustainable dining to help cater to your event while subtly promoting the effects of eating well to save the environment.


Singapore's Leading Virtual & Live Streaming

Event Management Company

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Click here to contact virtual event company Singapore Se7en Friday for your virtual event & live streaming event purposes.

We look forward to introducing you to our friendly & experienced team to assist you to get your event, virtual!


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