5 Exciting Ideas For Company Events

Event Company Singapore: Need something exciting to help make your company event that more appealing to your attendees? Here are some really exciting ideas and tips to take your company events to the next level:
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This is one cool adrenaline-filled idea that can utilise open space and be an incredible experience for your attendees. For team building alternatives, you can try zorb football which involves hilarious attempts at football while strapped into a giant zorb ball, or even zorb swimming!
event company Singapore
Cocktail workshops

If corporate drinks are more up your alley for you and your team, why not choose a cocktail workshop run by mixologists to design a custom cocktail inspired by the business or brand. They could be incorporated into the next office event and a competition to decide on which is best.
event company Singapore
Chocolate making

Here's an interesting alternative to cooking workshops! Give your attendees a sweet treat that many can’t turn down. Through these chocolate making workshops, it allows for chocolate decoration and even include bespoke packages such as tours of a chocolate factory and chocolate tasting. This will be a huge yes for those with a sweet tooth.
event company Singapore
5k 'marathon'

This sporting trend is becoming an excellent addition to conferences, also offering a healthy alternative that gives a sense of achievement for many attendees. Increase the difficulty by turning it into an obstacle course or mud run and turn it into a fundraiser by getting pledges for finishing within a certain time or guessing the finishing times.
event company Singapore
Roundtable discussions

An excellent way to get rid of titles to help generate ideas and brainstorming at a corporate event is the inclusion of a roundtable discussion. Roundtables are exactly as they insinuate and allow everyone the chance to speak freely, making innovation more likely and strengthening teams.
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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at enquiry@se7enfriday.com OR browse our website at www.se7enfriday.com.
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Event Manager Blog
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