Community Event Ideas To Bring People Together, Part 2

Event Organizer Company: Want more great ideas to bring people together in the name of community and charitable hospitality? Here are a few more ideas for when organising community events to bring people together:
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Interactive games

Enhanced technology means that you can use large digital screens to display games that are controlled by audience participation. For instance, audience voice activated arm wrestling involves splitting the crowd in half and giving them, two separate sounds e.g. clapping or shouting. The software picks up the sounds and the loudest sounds win the game resulting in the digital display showing it as an arm wrestling match. There are plenty of other options, from table tennis to soccer on screen, with different interaction techniques but it is bound to get the crowd pumping. event company Singapore
Fitness workshops

With more people putting increasing importance on health, fitness workshops or those ideas with healthy undertones can always be a hit. Have a leader on stage taking the crowd through the warmup and exercises, play some upbeat music and get everyone moving. Although this is most effective with large open areas you can still make this work with limited space by adapting the type of exercises and opting for intermittent high-intensity moves on the spot.
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Outdoor barbecues

This is an informal catering option that breeds community and networking while being very easy to plan and instigate. Designate a griller for the day and make sure you start cooking early so that you are prepared when the lunchtime rush comes. You can also have a line for buns, cheese, condiments and salad so more people can get involved.
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Get down with the groove!

Use music to make your event emotive and have an eclectic mix from all genres to appeal to everyone! Offer a dance-a-thon alongside your event that couples can enter or simply have non-stop music until the party ends. Make this more interesting by having duelling bands or pianos or a skilled MC to mix things up and try new musical combinations of classical and current music.
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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Event Manager Blog
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