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Corporate Event Planning Mistakes 101

Event Company Singapore: Even with the best corporate event ideas for employees in your pocket, there’s a chance you might make a mess of it and make things far worse than you ever thought possible. Check out the common mistakes you should avoid when planning a corporate event here:

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Mistake #1: Recreating the exact same event the year before

You definitely don’t want your guests to have a severe case of deja vu when they attend your event and start thinking it’s the exact same event that was organised the year before. Be it’s a corporate training or a gala dinner, originality is king. Motivate employees to attend your next event through the use of fresh activities and a new destination, no matter how successful your previous event was.

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Mistake #2: Not hiring corporate event planners outside the company

Many event companies are reluctant to use the services of hired corporate event planners especially as they want someone who is quite intimately acquainted with the team and culture. With the right dedication, even a complete stranger can capture the vibe of a company. Invest your time into some informal networking before planning an event, and you’ll find the right path.

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Mistake #3: Getting distracted and pushed off-course

Once you have your idea down pat and you pretty much know how you are going to implement it, try not to get distracted. Unfortunately and more often than not, a huge event team and last-minute changes push event planners off course. Therefore, it is imperative to implement an efficient strategy. Efficient corporate event planning is based on a foolproof strategy and targeted actions.

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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at OR browse our website at

With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you

H/T: Gevme

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