MICE Events: The Different Types

Event Company Singapore: We last talked about MICE events and their definition. This article, we'll be looking at various types of MICE events and what they entail. Here are the types of MICE events:
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Meetings of some magnitude or scale will take place in businesses and organisations across the country every day. In the MICE and events industry definition committee meetings, AGMs (annual general meetings) and other larger scale meetings that need careful venue, itinerary and other logistical planning are deemed as meetings under the current definition. Meetings can be on an ad hoc basis, quarterly, annually or according to some other set pattern.
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Incentive events

Incentive events can take either of two stances: they can be used to motivate employees and offered as a reward for performance, or they may be used to enhance loyalty to shareholders, members or customers. Incentive events can take various forms such as a day trip, night away, a short break or a week. There may be accommodation required, an activity to book and transport. They could be local, a little further afield, a city break, country retreat or abroad, all of which takes carefully considered research and planning to meet the expectations and needs of the client and the end user. Some team building events can be included, and an away day or weekend with the opportunity to try new activities, physical challenges or experiences can be both rewarding and academic.
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Conferences involve delegate participation where discussion, fact-finding, problem solving and consultation are all common traits and characteristics. There is no set frequency pattern for conferences, tending to be held in-line with new company strategy, industry legislation or findings, or governing laws and inevitably includes expert speakers on a particular topic aimed to inform, inspire and engage, with specific objectives. A workshop is one example where a group of delegates might engage in intensive discussion and activity on a pre-defined subject or project.
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Exhibitions are common in the art and creative industries, with collections of work shown at a particular location for a certain period of time, i.e. fashion shows. Commercial or corporate exhibitions might be referred to as trade fairs or trade shows or expos. Here, a particular industry might be coming together to showcase its services, such as a wedding fair for example or property show. Product launches are an example of an exhibition where one item is the focus of attention; a new car model, piece of technology or gadget perhaps. The designers, engineers and/or developer will be on hand to demonstrate, give a presentation and take questions.
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Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at enquiry@se7enfriday.com OR browse our website at www.se7enfriday.com.
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Right Events UK
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