Unique Fundraising Event Ideas, Part 2

Event Company Singapore: We're back with part 2, so here are some ideas your event company Singapore can implement to plan and organise that successful fundraiser:
Livestream event

Host a charity stream for a cause that your event company Singapore and any sponsors interested in the event can get behind, with guest streamers taking part by playing popular online games. This is a good way of raising awareness and money through donations offered by viewers (in exchange for some incentives of course), all the while engaging with your audience and having fun at the same time.
Bake sale

Nothing quite appeals to people with a sweet tooth than a bake sale filled with a wide variety of delicious freshly-baked goodies, and when paired up with a good cause and ingenuity on the part of your event company Singapore, it can prove to be a great way to raise awareness thus being an effective fundraiser.
Film screening

This one's appealing to the cinema aficionados out there: host a screening of a documentary and/or film that correlates with your cause and what your event company Singapore is hoping to raise awareness for. Provide the popcorn and drinks with a concession stand (preferably something antique and ostentatious), and the proceeds from the ticket sales can go to your sponsored charities.
Talent search

If you love to belt out a tune or two, this one might be just for you! On behalf of your event company Singapore, organise a "talent search" where anyone with a passion for singing and music can take part with the grand prize being a once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform at a famous venue.

Event Company Singapore: For your perfect event concepts and event management, call Se7en Friday Event Company Singapore at +65-6737-0288 OR Email Us at enquiry@se7enfriday.com OR browse our website at www.se7enfriday.com.
With over 20 years of event organising and event management experience, we're happy to share our concepts of a spectacular event with you
H/T: Eventbrite